What Top Candidates Really Want from Public School Districts (And What Turns Them Away)

As HR professionals in public school districts, you know the challenges of attracting and retaining great talent. Competition is fierce, and the stakes are high – after all, the quality of your staff directly impacts the quality of education your students receive.

But what really makes a candidate choose one district over another? What makes them click on your job posting and envision a fulfilling career within your schools? Let's dive in.

The Top 3 Factors that Attract Great Candidates

  1. Strong District Culture:

    • Why it matters: Culture is the "vibe" of your district – the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that shape the work environment. A positive, supportive culture fosters collaboration, innovation, and a sense of belonging.

    • What candidates look for:

      • Evidence of strong leadership and clear communication.

      • A commitment to professional development and growth opportunities.

      • A focus on student well-being and a sense of community involvement.

      • Reviews and testimonials from current employees (Glassdoor, etc.).

    • How to showcase it:

      • Highlight success stories and positive initiatives in your communications.

      • Encourage employee testimonials and engagement on social media.

      • Offer robust onboarding and mentorship programs for new hires.

  2. Competitive Compensation and Benefits:

    • Why it matters: While not the sole motivator, fair compensation and benefits are essential for attracting and retaining quality staff.

    • What candidates look for:

      • Salaries that are competitive with neighboring districts and the cost of living.

      • Comprehensive health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.

      • Additional perks like tuition reimbursement or wellness programs.

    • How to be competitive:

      • Regularly benchmark your compensation and benefits packages.

      • Be transparent about salary ranges in your job postings.

      • Explore creative benefits options (e.g., student loan repayment assistance).

  3. Clear Pathways for Growth and Advancement:

    • Why it matters: Top talent wants to know they have opportunities to learn, grow, and advance within your district.

    • What candidates look for:

      • Leadership development programs.

      • Opportunities for mentorship and coaching.

      • Clear career ladders and pathways to promotion.

      • A commitment to supporting continuing education and certifications.

    • How to demonstrate it:

      • Outline growth opportunities in your job postings and career pages.

      • Promote internal mobility and celebrate employee achievements.

      • Invest in professional development resources and training programs.

Job Postings: The Dos and Don'ts


  • Be specific and detailed: Clearly outline the position's responsibilities, qualifications, and expectations.

  • Highlight the impact: Explain how this role contributes to the district's mission and student success.

  • Showcase your culture: Use language that reflects your district's values and unique personality.

  • Include salary ranges: Be upfront about compensation to attract qualified candidates and avoid wasting time.


  • Use generic language: Avoid clichΓ©s and buzzwords.

  • Overlook the details: Proofread carefully to eliminate errors and inconsistencies.

  • Be too brief: A job posting should be informative, not a cryptic riddle.

  • Neglect the application process: Make it easy and user-friendly to apply.

Remember: Your job postings are your district's first impression. Make it count!

Let's Get Strategic

By focusing on these key areas, you can not only attract top candidates but also create a thriving workforce that's committed to your students' success. It's a win-win for everyone involved.

Let me know if you'd like help crafting compelling job descriptions or brainstorming strategies for showcasing your district's unique strengths!


Creating Compelling Teacher Job Postings


Using Social Media to Attract Top Talent to Your School District